Sponsorship Overview


The South Carolina Chapter of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (SCHIMSS) is a volunteer organization whose primary goals are to develop educational and regional networking programs and provide statewide leadership for the advancement and management of healthcare information and technology. With the backing of HIMSS which operates on an international scale, we help shape the healthcare industry, encouraging the use of technology and promoting public policies that improve healthcare delivery.

SCHIMSS is seeking Chapter Sponsorships for our educational and networking events. Your Chapter Sponsorship helps SCHIMSS offer valuable educational programming at an affordable price for attendees. Sponsorship benefits you through exposure to our session attendees. SCHIMSS is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.



Your Sponsorship Makes A Difference

SCHIMSS uses the contributions of sponsors to help defray the cost of the chapter’s programs making them accessible to all members. Our goals focus on supporting the mission, vision, and values of HIMSS. As a state-level organization we strive to carry out the national HIMSS mission at the local level and to serve as a conduit of information to and from the national organization.

During a typical year, we offer networking and educational events, including:

  • Spring Advocacy Day at the General Assembly in Columbia, SC
  • HIMSS national conference networking event
  • Regional networking events and focus groups
  • SCHIMSS Chapter Annual Conference
  • Annual Fall Golf Event
  • Educational and networking-based webinars
  • Other Adhoc events during the year

Topics presented do require board approval and should offer relevant Healthcare IT content. We have polled our SCHIMSS chapter members and popular topics to present could include:


Patient Engagement Connected Care Cybersecurity
Data Analytics Interoperability Performance Improvement
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Mobility Rural Health


Our educational programs are designed to share expert knowledge and to facilitate networking among our members. In 2022-2023, will continue to communicate to our members through webinars and emails and allow sponsors to provide educational sessions surrounding their vision for healthcare information management and technology.

SCHIMSS on social media, which offers additional exposure to your organization.

SCHIMSS has implemented a flexible sponsorship program allowing organizations to best align their marketing goals and resources. The various sponsorship levels provide an opportunity for organizations of all sizes to participate and raise awareness of their offerings within the local healthcare community.

There are various forms of sponsorship for events with increased benefits as the value of sponsorship increases. Please contact us at sc.info@himsschapter.org if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or have questions about the process.



Premier Level – $7,500 Annual Contribution

(Limited to 1 Sponsor)


  • Prominent exhibit space location guaranteed at Annual Conference
  • 4 complimentary admissions to Annual SCHIMSS Conference
  • Opportunity to insert one PowerPoint slide to scroll during breaks
  • Opportunity to introduce keynote speaker at Annual Conference
  • Conference breakout session speaker slot (pending board approval of topic and speaker, must be submitted prior to stated deadline) Speaking session is recommended to include a provider alongside the sponsor case study
  • Exclusive Premier level chapter sponsor recognition and signage at all chapter-run education and related networking events (does not include the annual charity golf outing which has dedicated sponsorship opportunities to fund the Student Scholarship)
  • Opportunity to post 2 white-papers on SCHIMSS website
  • Prominent company logo placement and link on the SCHIMSS website with company contacts and a brief description
  • Prominent advertising of 3 company events
  • Guaranteed spot for 1 webinar and/or one email blast (content must be approved)
  • 2 Complimentary registrations at the kick-off reception and networking reception at national HIMSS
  • (1) Complimentary foursome at the annual golf outing
  • 20% discount on all ala carte sponsor opportunities
  • 4 complimentary admissions to one Regional Event (excludes the Annual SCHIMSS Conference and Annual Golf Event)


Corporate Level – $5,000 Annual Contribution

(Unlimited Sponsors)


  • Preferred exhibit space location guaranteed at Annual Conference
  • 2 Complimentary admissions to Annual Conference and dinner/network event
  • Conference breakout session speaker slot (pending board approval of topic and speaker, must be submitted prior to stated deadline) Speaking session is recommended to include a provider alongside the sponsor case study
  • Exclusive Corporate level chapter sponsor recognition and signage at all chapter-run education and related networking events (does not include the annual charity golf outing which has dedicated sponsorship opportunities to fund the Student Scholarship)
  • Opportunity to post 1 white-paper on SCHIMSS website.
  • Prominent company logo placement and link on the SCHIMSS website with company contacts and a brief description
  • Prominent advertising of 2 company events
  • Guaranteed spot for 1 webinar and/or one email blast (content must be approved)
  • 2 complimentary admissions to one Regional Event excluding the Annual SCHIMSS Conference and Annual Golf Event


Chapter Level – $3,000 Annual Contribution

(Unlimited Sponsors)


  • Exhibit space location guaranteed at Annual Conference
  • 1 complimentary admission to Annual SCHIMSS Conference
  • Prominent company logo placement and link on the SCHIMSS website with company contacts and a brief description
  • Chapter sponsor recognition and signage at all chapter-run education and related networking events (does not include the annual charity golf outing which has dedicated sponsorship opportunities to fund the Student Scholarship)

Sponsorship valid for one year from the date of payment. The South Carolina HIMSS reserves the right to decline all sponsorship offers. SCHIMSS Calendar of Events/Dates are subject to change.